
Parkview Pediatric Dentistry

Patient Information

Preparing for your dental visit? We try our best to make the experience as enjoyable and stress-free as possible!

Questions? Contact Us!

Parkview Pediatric Dentistry Terminology

Welcome to Parkview Pediatric Dentistry, where our utmost priority is to nurture a caring environment that fosters positivity and comfort for your child during each visit. Our mission is to ensure that every interaction leaves a lasting impression of warmth and support. We wholeheartedly believe in utilizing language that is not only friendly and relatable but also deeply compassionate, making it easy for children to understand and feel at ease. By focusing on words that convey care and reassurance, we aim to create an atmosphere where any fears or anxieties melt away. We kindly invite your partnership in embracing this approach and refraining from the use of negative terms commonly associated with dental care. Together, let's embark on a journey to transform every dental appointment into a nurturing experience for your child, instilling a sense of lifelong care for their oral health.

Don't Use
High Speed Dental Drill
Slow Speed Dental Drill
Bite Block (to assist opening)
Nitrous Oxide
Cavity or Decay
Pull a tooth
Cut out decay
Silver Crown
OK to Use
Mr. Whistle
Mr. Bumpy
Mr. Thirsty
Tooth Chair
Blowing a Bubble
Happy Air, Silly Gas
Sugar Bugs
Wiggle a tooth
Chase out sugar bugs
Tooth Hat, Princess Crown, Ironman Hat

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be with my child for their appointment?

ABSOLUTELY. We welcome you to accompany your child back for all treatments. We will never make you be present for care if you choose not to, but we have an open-door policy at Parkview Pediatric Dentistry. It is our primary focus to help your child master the dental appointment. Here are a few simple guidelines that we have found to help children master their dental appointments.

Silent Observer: The relationship between parent and child is so strong that in order for the staff to have the opportunity to build trust and create a positive experience with your child, it is imperative that you accompany your child as a silent observer. Some children do perform better when a parent isn’t present. If this is found to be the case, our doctors will discuss different methods to help your child master the dental appointment.

Limited Size: The treatment and waiting areas have limited size. Please plan to bring as few extra individuals to your appointments as possible.

Special Requests: If there are any special requests for care or you have questions regarding guidelines for parents, please discuss those with us prior to the appointment.

When should you use toothpaste, and how much?

As soon as the teeth begin to appear, start brushing twice daily using fluoridated toothpaste and a soft, age-appropriate-sized toothbrush. For children under two years old, you should only use a “smear” of toothpaste. For children over two years old, you can use a “pea” sized amount of toothpaste.

How old should my child be before they brush alone?

This varies from child to child. However, research continues to show that children do not do an adequate job brushing their teeth alone until they reach the age of 6-7. Even at this age, most children still require supervision when brushing to prevent “10-second brushings."

Is thumbsucking and pacifiers harmful?

Not necessarily. These habits only become a problem if they last for long periods of time and begin to cause changes in tooth alignment and facial shape. Ideally, these habits don’t exist or last for a short period of time. However, this is not always the case. Because of this, we have many recommendations and solutions for removing these habits in children. We are available to discuss with you and help decide if and when these habits have become detrimental.

What are sealants?

Sealants are protective coverings that go down in the deep grooves of teeth to keep bacteria from living in them. Studies show that 90% of decay on teeth occurs in the grooves that could be protected by sealants.

Should my child have dental x-rays?

Radiographs help our doctors correctly diagnose oral findings. New advances in technology utilized by our office can dramatically reduce x-ray exposure. As a pediatric dentist we strive to reduce radiation exposure for your children. At Parkview Pediatric Dentistry, we do not contract with insurance companies and don’t take x-rays just because they are a covered service. We closely follow the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry guidelines for radiation exposure to decrease x-ray exposure for all our patients. We also use all digital x-rays that allow us to decrease the radiation dose even further.

Why should my child see the dentist?

When the first tooth appears, or no later than their first birthday. Pediatric dentists focus on prevention, and research shows that children who visit the dentist earlier are less likely to have tooth decay.

Why pediatric dentistry?

We are the pediatricians of dentistry. Yes, your dentist is a family dentist, but Pediatric Dentistry is a specialty that requires more years of schooling after becoming a general dentist.

Our doctors are board-certified and trained in a way that makes it fun and exciting for kids. The office environment is comfortable for and tailored to children.

Does this mean that all kids need to see a pediatric dentist? Absolutely not. Many general dentists are great for treating children. We work closely with our dental community to partner in providing the best care for your children and help other area dentists understand the specific needs of the pediatric population.

What should I use to clean my baby's teeth?

Before children have teeth, a wet washcloth is helpful to rub on the gums and remove food and bacteria. When teeth come in, any soft-bristled toothbrush with a small head (preferably one designed for infants) will help remove bacteria that can lead to decay. Teeth should be brushed at least once a day at bedtime.

Are baby teeth important?

YES. They are not just for chewing. Baby teeth are important for speech development, development of the jaw, and keeping space for permanent teeth. Decay in baby teeth can be easily prevented or treated, but failing to take care of baby teeth can cause life-threatening infections.

How often does my child need to see the pediatric dentist?

A check-up every six months is recommended in order to prevent cavities and other dental problems. However, some children can benefit from different schedules. For example, patients who are in braces can benefit from more regular cleanings, and some children who have great brushing habits and less chance of dental decay can benefit from more spaced-out visits.

What is fluoride? What does it do for teeth?

Fluoride is naturally found in the environment. In West Texas, it is naturally found in the groundwater. When used correctly, fluoride can help prevent decay from forming. Unfortunately, the groundwater can contain too much fluoride and cause staining on teeth. The city water has the optimal amount of fluoride for drinking. Fluoride helps to strengthen teeth by remineralizing broken-down tooth structure and decreasing sensitivity. If you have further questions about fluoride, please feel free to talk with our staff.

What is this black material that you paint on the teeth to stop decay?

This is called silver diamine fluoride. It has been FDA-approved for use in the United States for five years but has been used in other parts of the world for 60-80 years.



At Parkview Pediatric Dentistry, we value your time and understand that waiting in an office with a young child or multiple children can be stressful. To respect your time, we strive to see your child at the scheduled time of their appointment. We also have fun “Kids Only” areas to help promote a fun environment for children. If an emergency or conflict arises and you must reschedule, please do so at least 24 hours before your child’s appointment. We can then offer the appointment time to one of our other families waiting to receive care in our office.

We schedule plenty of time for each appointment so that our doctors can answer all questions and address all your child’s needs. However, we also leave time in our schedules to accommodate injuries and emergencies.

If, for some reason, you are going to be late or unable to make your scheduled appointment, please contact us as soon as possible. Our front desk can either reschedule the appointment or try and move it to a better time for you and your family.

Please feel free to ask our staff or call our office with any questions. We are happy to help in any way we can.

Financial Policy

All payments due are expected on the day of service unless other financial arrangements are made in advance. If all insurance information is available on or before your appointment, we will be happy to file your claim for you. We will evaluate your insurance coverage and estimate your portion. We will file all your claims electronically to speed up the reimbursement process.

To provide the highest standard of care, our doctors practice by the guidelines set forth by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. These include limiting x-ray exposures, providing preventive services, and providing the best long-term restorations for your child based on scientific research. These standards are not dictated by your insurance company but are intended to support Parkview Pediatric Dentistry in practicing at an exceptional level of care.

Payment Plans & Financial Options

For your convenience, we accept Visa, Mastercard, cash, and personal checks. We also have financing options such as care credit. Please speak with a member of our staff for a full explanation of our financing options if you have more questions.

Insurance Claims & Co-Payments

Filing insurance is a courtesy provided for all of our patients. We are happy to do this to minimize stress on our patients. However, we do not have contracts with insurance companies. Therefore, we can only assist you in estimating your portion of the payment. We try to give you the most accurate estimates our resources allow. It is important that you understand that our relationship lies with you as our patient and not with the insurance company.

Parkview Pediatric Dentistry is an out-of-network dental provider. However, our trained staff will file your dental claim for your visit, and we accept the assignment of benefits (i.e., we do not make you pay upfront for what your insurance company will pay).